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Clarity in the Face of Difficulties

When we go through career changes due to cataclysmic events like the pandemic we are forced to adapt and face the challenges. This leads us to think of the bigger picture and our higher purpose. We end up realizing we have choices and options not previously available or recognized.

In today’s episode, Tim Winders shares his roller coaster employment journey from owning a conglomerate of real estate companies to filing for bankruptcy and being unemployed during the recession of 2008. Beverly concurs with the main idea of redefining success not with what you do or the title you have but with the skills and talent you have been gifted with to serve a higher purpose. That is irreplaceable and cannot be taken away from us.

After this difficult time, Tim decided to confront the pain of these challenges and rise up for his family. He and his wife continued to live the simple life in their 39-foot RV, traveling and working full time as a Performance Coach, Author, and Host. The entire process gave him the compassion to perform his current role from a bigger standpoint in life.

Beverly and Tim discuss the many facets of defining success in a career and in life. In her opinion, the current economic situation should not restrict people from overcoming failures, nor should pride and arrogance. There are always people who can help give informed decisions and one may start with an objective self-assessment. Control your employment journey to the extent that you can. Remember to stay on top of things always!

This episode explains how you:

  • To move from denial to acceptance.
  • To have compassion for other people but not to the point of merely impressing them.
  • To evaluate how you make important career decisions.
  • To effectively go through the economic cycles over time.
  • To improve your marketability.
  • To properly stay connected with your network.

Winders hosts a podcast called Seek, Go, Create. He just finished writing a novel titled “Coach”, a story of success redefined. It’s fiction with a purpose. Tim also continues to advocate for personal development for others.  

There are two ways in which people go through real, serious changes as Tim had specified based on his data:

People make the choice themselves through focused efforts.

  • People go through some form of the life-altering event which forces them to adapt to changes.

If you had to do your career journey all over again, what would you do differently and what does this episode inspire you to think about?

Get in touch with Tim Winders here:

Podcast:                  https://seekgocreate.com/

Link to his novel:     https://seekgocreate.com/book


About the Author

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