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How to Thrive and Pursue Your Passion While Working Your 9-5 Hustle

Hopefully, you have begun to pursue a career that you are passionate about. If you are one of the lucky ones, it’s necessary to balance pursuing your passion while holding down a 9-5 job. Regardless of what anyone says, job security matters.

Kristen J. Eddy is a full-time employee by day and a thriving TV production and talent management freelancer by night, so to speak. She joins Beverly to share her employment journey and reveals how she is navigating the best of both worlds.

“My growth, my evolution of accepting things as they are and relaxing involves watching things fall into place accordingly, and just knowing that things are going to work out as they should….” -Kristen J. Eddy

Kristen’s employment journey involves working on TV production and with talented comedians in the entertainment industry. She candidly shares what it’s like to be torn between wanting the security of a regular job and coming alive in pursuit of her creativity as a TV production freelancer.

Key Areas Discussed:

  • Defining unconventional networking
  • Recognizing opportunities and missed opportunities 
  • Being respected and commanding respect from your employer and clients

“The most expensive mistake is a missed opportunity.” -Beverly Williams quoting H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Having the confidence to act on opportunities and the skill to handle opportunities you may not be prepared to act on immediately can make or break a career. These ladies share how opportunities have led to painful disappointments in some cases. 

As you proceed on your employment journey, remember that working a 9-5 does not mean that you need to live a life devoid of passion and fulfillment. Often people make excuses and create obstacles and roadblocks for why they are not pursuing their dreams. Kristen’s journey is evidence of what it means to pursue your passion while appreciating the job security you’ve come to rely on. The right small steps will get you moving in the right direction.

Leaving a review of this podcast is encouraged and greatly appreciated.  Please check out Beverly Williams’ book: Your GPS to Employment Success.


About the Author

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