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Network Because Connection and People Matter

How many times in your career have you heard; your network is your net worth? If you’re like the average person, we don’t always prioritize or value networking in our respective industries. In fact, you may cringe and shudder at the thought of going to a networking event.

For Robert T. Szyba, networking comes easier when the focus is on meeting people and making connections. This perspective has helped Robert pivot from his earlier career in the entertainment industry to become a partner at Seyfarth Shaw overseeing Labor & Employment.

“The biggest problem with networking is the fact that it sounds so scary, and the fact that people make it out to be a lot more than that is interesting” -Robert T. Szyba

Robert’s Reasons and Tips for Networking Discussed:

  • When you don’t network, there is a void in your professional development
  • Focus on meeting people, making connections, and making new friends
  • It’s not always a direct benefit, but it is an opportunity to build your reputation
  • Tips for introverted people to find other ways to network without social pressure
  • Networking requires you to extend yourself, no way around it.

Robert was recently selected to the 2022 edition of the Best Lawyers in America. He shares about the surprising turn of events that lead him away from music and performance to a closely connected legal career.

Connect with Robert T. Szyba:



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