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Embracing Opportunity

Beverly is talking with Steven Toboroff, CEO of Woolco Foods Inc. His employment journey is like many others, diverse and not what was initially planned. Steven realized that he loved Woolco Foods, the family business and the premiere distributor for restaurants, hotels, bakeries, caterers and institutions in the New York and New Jersey area. He shares what he believes is one of the best things about the hospitality industry, and how his work has provided the opportunity to collaborate with others in the industry. Steven and Beverly discuss how the pandemic affected the industry overall, and Steven’s business specifically. He explains that it was an incredible challenge and how blessed he felt to have such an amazing management team that kept things going in a difficult time. A couple of months into the pandemic, Steven decided that his Woolco would come out of that challenging time stronger. One of the things he did was participate in community outreach. Many of Woolco’s clients were suffering and they decided to help

His leadership tips:

  • Be a good listener
  • Look for opportunities to collaborate
  • Develop long-term relationships with clients
  • Tap into creativity as a method for problem solving

“Having a business, you can be as creative as you want.”-Steven Toboroff

Hear how Steven encourages and embraces the chance to be creative in any type of business. It’s a new way of looking at what’s possible. Is a career in the hospitality industry for you? Steven explains what it takes to be successful. His advice: make sure you love it. It’s one of the best times (in his opinion)to be in the industry. Best advice: look for an apprenticeship opportunity. The industry allows for this and can often give you greater access in the industry. What does Steven look for when hiring? Initiative, willingness to learn and problem solve and a true interest in the industry. He likes to work with people who are self-driven, and he wants his employees to take ownership of their job and place in the company. He also mentioned good

communication skills and an open-minded approach which fits the company culture. People with those skills do well at Woolco.


Your GPS to Employment Success: How to Find and Succeed in the Right Job


Podcast: The Profitable Table

Woolco Foods


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